Commercial Waste Removal Services

KCA Nigeria Limited is an established industry leader in the provision of holistic waste management solutions for the Commercial Sector. KCA Nigeria Limited approach to commercial waste management is critical as we take the time to assess individual client needs, helping to provide the most suitable and efficient solution for the collection, removal and processing or recycling of all waste streams.

KCA NIGERIA LIMITED has a host of different bins for all waste streams. KCA NIGERIA LIMITED can also provide you with a stringent waste assessment to ascertain all your waste and recycling needs.

KCA NIGERIA LIMITED provides the following Waste Services for the Commercial Sector:

  • General Waste Collection, Disposal and Recycling
  • Bulky and Construction Waste
  • Liquid/Hazardous Waste
  • Confidential / Security Product Destruction
  • Electronic Waste
  • Clinical & Quarantine Waste